Your HR Department

Just like having an HR function in house but at a fraction of the cost. Our outsourcing HR support packages for businesses range from a fully tailored ‘hands on’ service at your business premises to a ‘DIY’ option with ad hoc HR consultancy support and advice as and when you need it.

We also provide combined outsourced HR and Health & Safety support or just HR support, it’s up to you. There is flexibility to change your options at any time to suit your business needs.

  • Our approach is to continually assist our customers to improve their business. We believe it is an essential business requirement that employees are managed well and that there are good people management practices in place.

    Some examples of projects we support on, or undertake on your behalf, are:

    • Business restructuring (including TUPE transfers)
    • Job evaluation and reorganisation
    • Union negotiations
    • Bullying and harassment investigations
    • Managing disciplinary and grievance issues
    • Managing poor performers
    • Managing absenteeism – short-term, sporadic absence and longer-term absence problems
    • Communications strategies
    • Introduction of performance appraisals or a wider performance management system and training
    • Managers to operate the system (e.g. setting objectives, holding appraisal meetings)
    • The review and implementation of appropriate remuneration and benefits packages
    • Employee Opinion Surveys
  • An employee may leave an organisation for a variety of reasons such as redundancy, resignation, dismissal or by mutual agreement.

    We can manage a complete redundancy process for you or advise on the correct procedure in areas such as consultation for redundancy or the correct procedure for dismissal.

    If a high number of resignations is causing concern, techniques such as exit interviews or questionnaires can help to uncover some of the real reasons why employees are leaving.

    In some exit situations, a more complex legal document – a Settlement Agreement – may be required and we can assist in preparing and managing this matter for you.

  • Significant time and money is spent trying to recruit the right person. Add to this the salary of the person you employ and it does not make good business sense to settle for anything except the best your business can afford.

    Getting the right person for the job is critical and not something that just “happens” by advertising in the local paper and hoping for the best.

    Even before a person starts work it is important that you are legally compliant in your recruitment processes and when they start work with you there is key employment information you need to cover as well as sharing information about your organisation.

    We can provide remote support with any recruitment process or we can manage the whole process on your behalf.

    The HR services we provide in this area are:

    • Assistance in the preparation of all recruitment documents including: job description; person specification; drafting of a job advert; advice on where to advertise;
    • how to select the best candidates (i.e. short-listing and interviewing skills)
    • Support with other selection methods such as competency based selection, assessment centres, psychometric testing
    • Training for line managers in interviewing skills and awareness of areas of employment law that impact on recruitment and selection (e.g. equality, equal opportunities, age discrimination)
    • Assistance with implementation of an effective induction programme
  • Once an employee has completed their induction, it is important to ensure you consider their training and development needs in line with business objectives and budget.
    A business needs its employees to come up to speed quickly and continue to work efficiently and effectively, therefore it is critical to ensure they receive the correct training to meet the standards of the job. We work with businesses to design job specific training programmes. In addition, we can undertake a Training Needs Analysis (TNA), designed to examine the organisational, team and individual skills required for a particular job.

    The skills required for a job are assessed alongside the skills an individual employee possesses.

    The ‘gap’ between the required and actual skills is analysed and a training and development plan written.

    The following is a sample of the courses we offer which can be tailored to your individual needs:

    • Employment law compliance and awareness
    • An introduction to HR for line managers
    • Managing conflict and difficult people
    • Social media and the employment relationship
    • Recruitment & selection
    • Competency based interviewing techniques
    • Managing absence
    • Managing performance
    • Managing discipline and grievance issues
    • Conducting bullying and harassment investigations
    • Performance management and appraisal
    • Manual handling
  • Employment law has become increasingly complex over the past number of years and there are over 30 pieces of major employment legislation.

    The need for organisations to ensure compliance with legislation is greater than ever, as the level of claims, inspections and fines are increasing each year.

    We provide an audit service to ensure your business is compliant. This service is delivered by experienced HR professionals with a wealth of experience in compliance and managing statutory HR inspections, including inspection by the National Employment Rights Authority (NERA).