Training & Development

Once an employee has completed their induction, it is important to ensure you consider their training and development needs in line with business objectives and budget.

A business needs its employees to come up to speed quickly and continue to work efficiently and effectively, therefore it is critical to ensure they receive the correct training to meet the standards of the job. We work with businesses to design job specific training programmes. In addition, we can undertake a Training Needs Analysis (TNA), designed to examine the organisational, team and individual skills required for a particular job.

The skills required for a job are assessed alongside the skills an individual employee possesses.

The ‘gap’ between the required and actual skills is analysed and a training and development plan written.

The following is a sample of the courses we offer which can be tailored to your individual needs:

  • Employment law compliance and awareness
  • An introduction to HR for line managers
  • Managing conflict and difficult people
  • Social media and the employment relationship
  • Recruitment & selection
  • Competency based interviewing techniques
  • Managing absence
  • Managing performance
  • Managing discipline and grievance issues
  • Conducting bullying and harassment investigations
  • Performance management and appraisal
  • Manual handling